Elevate your debriefs with immediate in-app results.

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Receive a performance score for the team and individual.

SkillGrader uses an algorithm to generate a score for the team and see how each individual performed within the team.

SkillGrader Screenshots of after assessment reports
SkillGrader Screenshots of after assessment reports

Receive a performance score for the team and individual.

SkillGrader uses an algorithm to generate a score for the team and the contribution of each individual to that team effort.

SkillGrader screenshot - detailed, deep dive into after assessment results

Identify critical actions missed, skill gaps and areas of mastery.

Drill down into individual results on the app to gain insight on skill competency and gaps.

Enhance your debriefing sessions.

Use immediate results to give students and trainees detailed feedback for better reflection. Record debrief and mentoring notes for follow-up actions.

Graphic of individuals in front of graphs
Graphic of individuals in front of graphs

Enhance your debriefing sessions.

Use immediate results to give students and trainees detailed feedback for better reflection. Record debrief and mentoring notes for follow-up actions.

See how SkillGrader can help you capture objective, actionable data on individual and team performance.

Tablet and desktop view of SkillGrader